Command: leakfind

usage: leakfind [-h] [-p [PAGE_NAME]] [-o [MAX_OFFSET]] [-d [MAX_DEPTH]] [-s [STEP]] [--negative_offset [NEGATIVE_OFFSET]] address

Attempt to find a leak chain given a starting address. Scans memory near the given address, looks for pointers, and continues that process to attempt to find leaks. Example: leakfind $rsp --page_name=filename --max_offset=0x48 --max_depth=6. This would look for any chains of leaks that point to a section in filename which begin near $rsp, are never 0x48 bytes further from a known pointer, and are a maximum length of 6

Positional Argument Info
address Starting address to find a leak chain from
Optional Argument Info
--help show this help message and exit
--page_name Substring required to be part of the name of any found pages
--max_offset Max offset to add to addresses when looking for leak (default: 72)
--max_depth Maximum depth to follow pointers to (default: 4)
--step Step to add between pointers so they are considered. For example, if this is 4 it would only consider pointers at an offset divisible by 4 from the starting pointer (default: 1)
--negative_offset Max negative offset to search before an address when looking for a leak (default: 0)