usage: search [-h] [-t {byte,short,word,dword,qword,pointer,string,bytes}] [-1] [-2] [-4] [-8] [-p] [-x] [-s] [-e] [-w] [--save] [--no-save] [-n] value [mapping_name]

Search memory for byte sequences, strings, pointers, and integer values

Positional Argument Info
value Value to search for
mapping_name Mapping to search [e.g. libc]
Optional Argument Info
--help show this help message and exit
--type {byte,short,word,dword,qword,pointer,string,bytes} Size of search target (default: bytes)
--byte Search for a 1-byte integer
--word,short Search for a 2-byte integer
--dword Search for a 4-byte integer
--qword Search for an 8-byte integer
--pointer Search for a pointer-width integer
--hex Target is a hex-encoded (for bytes/strings) (default: False)
--string Target is a raw string (default: False)
--executable Search executable segments only (default: False)
--writable Search writable segments only (default: False)
--save Save results for --resume. Default comes from config 'auto_save_search'
--no-save Invert --save
--next Search only locations returned by previous search with --save (default: False)